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Are the Uses

of Fenugreek?

Fenugreek is currently not such a well-known plant in Europe or America. It is mostly used as a spice in specialty dishes or in bakeries. Up to now it wasn’t very popular but its therapeutic uses that work for ages for the Asian native populations shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s a reliable ally for women, especially for those who are lactating.


Here are the primary uses of fenugreek:


- It is regarded to be a breast enlarger.

Fenugreek has very high concentrations of active ingredients. One of its active compounds called diosgenin creates estrogen. It can promote new breast cells. As a consequence, the size of the breasts can be increased. 


- It stimulates lactation.

Administering fenugreek during lactation is highly beneficial. This plant will increase the milk flow and boost the well-being of the mother, by improving the appetite and the metabolism. It has been used traditionally in India for this purpose. After taking fenugreek, mothers see an improvement within maximum three days. 


- It aids the cognitive process.

Fenugreek contains choline which improves functions such as motor control or memory.


- It treats menopause and PMS.

Fenugreek is a great friend for women of all ages. It alleviates the symptoms of PMS for young women and helps them get through “those days of the month” much easily. It also prevents the massive calcium loss which leads to osteoporosis, it contributes to toned tissues and prevents breast and ovary cancer by regulating the hormonal activity. It also improves the muscles of menopausal women and enhances the energy.


- It can help with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Fenugreek contains an amino acid called 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which works as a treatment for diabetes because it increases the insulin production. 


- It lowers the cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol levels can be lowered down using fenugreek supplements as it stops the cholesterol synthesis.


- It strengthens the hair and the nails.

Fenugreek contains minerals and vitamins. It also helps the body assimilate nutrients better from foods.


- It helps to build muscle tissue.

It promotes healthy muscular growth instead of fat building deposits. Cellulite develops more slowly when you get fenugreek. Athletic performance can be improved thanks o the concentrations of niacon, tryptophan or potassium.


Fenugreek has impressive properties and it can significantly improve the life of women regardless of their age. From teenagers to elderly women, all can take advantage of the great benefits that this little plant brings. The best way to do this is to take a fenugreek supplement because it contains the recommended efficient concentrations.

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